
Have you been stuck in a continuous cycle of trying to find a dependable flight instructor or school? How about an aircraft? Are you seeing the end-game but not able to find reliable support to reach your aviation goals?
R1 has a strong suggestion; get in contact with us! Our CFI is a local, retired and professional pilot who desires to listen to your situation and offer a helpful solution.
Not sure?
Here at R1, we recognize those struggles for aspiring pilots. We do not want to seem critical to other distinguished CFI's, but the practice of student pilots being left hanging when their instructor reaches that magic number in their logbook is all too common.
R1 is not looking to build time to fulfill our own personal goals. To simplify our stance, WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE, and we can finish the job that others and you have started.


Depends on you
The cost of our Finish-Up course completely depends on where you currently are within your aviation journey and will take your most recent and quality training into consideration. Be assured that we are not going to have pilots start from the beginning. We will schedule a virtual meeting or phone call to discuss your situation. Hit the button below to get started.